Do you want to get your opinion published on our website?
Biking is a personal thing, we all have our own views and opinions on motorcycle kit, ideal destinations for touring, what a “real” bike even is. If you would like to get your opinions on here then simply e-mail me at “Harris AT”, it could be a brief description of your touring holiday, a product test, or even your random thoughts on a current issue like speed cameras.
Some of the more contentious topics on the shop floor have been whether or not to bother with hi-vis vests, body armour, sticking to or breaking speed limits, effective policing strategies etc.
So if you want to talk about an upcoming motorcycle event in your area, a charity ride, the weather, the roads, the state of the nation or to discuss what type of junk food provides the most sustenance on a long ride then let me know about it and we’ll get it up on the website for you!
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