Hey, everyone! I don’t often look at flip-front helmets and it takes a special one for me to really be enthused about them. I’ve just always preferred the safety that comes with a solid chin bar on my helmets. But if there was ever a helmet that could change my mind and convince me to actually own one, it’s going to be the Shoei Neotec 2.
After trying one on for a few minutes- the Neotec 2 is easily the most comfortable and best fitting flip-front I’ve ever had on my head. It was a genuine luxury being to able to feel the whole of my head held snugly yet comfortably in place and feel the helmet padding properly all the way around my head. A lot of other brands I’ve tried on for curiosity’s sake have never had as good a fit, feeling like the top wasn’t quite making enough contact with my head or the sides having the same issue. But Neotec 2 seems perfect for people with a long-ish head shape like myself.
The fibre based multi-composite shell keeps the weight down and offers superior protection in three different shell sizes. So you can have peace of mind in the safety of the helmet as well as know you’re getting a shell size that won’t unnecessarily make you look like a bobble head.
The padding inside the Neotec 2 is one of the comfiest I’ve ever had the pleasure of wearing. It’s plush, soft and fully removable so it can be washed and kept fresh for the regular rider wearing it a lot for long periods of time. It forms a good seal, is great fro road noise yet, combined with the helmet’s ventilation system, doesn’t get too hot.The strap and buckle is one of the sturdier looking ratchet buckles I’ve come across. A stainless steel tab keeping everything locked securely in place inspires confidence in a fastening method I’m used to seeing done in plastic
It has a load of extras too- The visor is Pinlock ready and comes with the insert provided, combined with the big vent on the chin bar of the helmet- you’ll have no worries about your visor fogging up. The Neotec 2 also has an internal sun visor, operated by a low-profile slider on the left side of the helmet making this a great helmet for a commuter or a rider who wants to ride all hours of the day without needing to change visors from tinted to clear. So you’re free to enjoy the darker rides home at night or in the winter but have everything you need to avoid being dazzled by the bright sun should it happen to show it’s self.
To make this helmet even more versatile- it’s also a Tour biker’s dream helmet. The Shoei Neotec 2 is ready to accept Sena communications systems without the need for protruding bits of tech so you can keep in touch with people with your phone or even just enjoy some music.
I could go on for ages about the Shoei Neotec 2 but in the interest f not making this entry into it’s own novel, I’ll stop myself here, keeping it nice and condensed. If you want to know more about the Neotec 2 you can see the item on our website, come and take a look for yourself in store, give us a call for a bit more info or leave a comment for me here and I’ll get back to you myself!
Thanks for reading, everyone! Until next time!
-Matt W at Ghostbikes
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